
Rental LED Display RT-COB series

Outdoor and indoor COB rental LED DISPLAY
Indoor & outdoor module: P1.984

Standard size: 500x500mm/500x1000mm

500x500mm and 500x1000mm Can be mixed and spliced

Rental LED Display RTI

Outdoor and indoor rental LED DISPLAY
Indoor module: P2.6, P2.976, P3.91, P4.81

Outdoor module: P2.976, P3.91, P4.81

Standard size: 500x500mm/500x1000mm

Rental LED Display RTIII

Outdoor and indoor rental XR virtual production LED DISPLAY
Indoor module: P1.953, P2.6, P2.976, P3.91, P4.81

Outdoor module: P2.6, P2.976, P3.91, P4.81

Standard size: 500x500mm/500x1000mm